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RHODONITE   Tower Hill Rhodonite Locale, Hinsdale, NH
6 cm specimen with pink bands of unweathered "rhodonite."

Species:           RHODONITE
Locality:          Tower Hill Rhodonite Locale, Hinsdale, NH
Specimen Size: 6 cm specimen with pink bands of unweathered "rhodonite." See notes below.
Field Collected: Tom Mortimer
Catalog No.: 1455
Notes: This is the "rhodonite" from the Hinsdale, NH rhodonite deposit. An EDS analysis showed this material is actually a mixture of several minerals, (rhodonite, spessartine, and rhodochrosite) so it is technically a rock. The EDS analysis was corroborated by a thin section optical analysis. A mineralogist skilled in optical mineralogy independantly suggested the presence of rhodonite, a garnet mineral and a carbonate mineral.
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RHODONITE   Prospect on Stoney Mtn., Winchester, NH
Approx. 6 cm specimen.

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Harvard Museum label

Species:           RHODONITE
Locality:          Prospect on Stoney Mtn., Winchester, NH
Specimen Size: Approx. 6 cm specimen.
Field Collected: Steve Eberfeld
Catalog No.: Harvard University Museum #124890.